Active industry memberships
National Association of Certified Death Midwives (founding member)
The Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath & Death (lifetime member)
Community organizations
Patiloni Collective (founding member)
Volunteer work
Public appearances & media
Guest presenter, INELDA Community Meet-Up: “Remembrance with Kim Stravers” (August 2024)
Co-presenter, University of New Mexico Curanderismo 2024 Summer Class, “Partería de Almas: End-of-Life Care and Curanderismo,” with Jesús Cuauhtémoc Villa (July 2024)
Featured INELDA Doula Profile (June 2024)
Co-presenter, Psychedelic Advocacy Network, “Exploring the Psychedelic Journey: Insights from Expert Facilitators,” with Tracey Norris and Angela Ybarra (February 2024)
Co-presenter, Arizona Adverse Childhood Experiences Consortium’s Ninth Annual Summit, “Learning the Language of Loss: Death Positivity and Liberation in the Context of Adverse Childhood Experiences,” with Jesús Cuauhtémoc Villa (November 2022)
Co-facilitator, The Sagrado, “Grief Medicine: Healing in a Time of Death & Dying” community bereavement workshop, with Jesús Cuauhtémoc Villa (September 2022)
Co-speaker/co-facilitator, DreamCatchers Foundation & Boys and Girls Club of the Valley’s “Before I Die” Career Launch Capstone event (March 2022)