I’m proud to collaboratively manage the Arizona Funeral Resources and Education project. We are a nonprofit, 100% volunteer effort that provides to all Arizonans, at no cost, well-articulated information about what we have the legal rights to do in our state when a death occurs, from home funerals to greener burials, cremation alternatives, traditional arrangements, and more. My colleagues and I wish to empower our community to make the choices that resonate most deeply with their values, culture, faith, and finances.
Below, you’ll find an additional short list of links to the guides, forms, and organizations most pertinent to deathcare in the greater Phoenix area.
General information
Arizona Attorney General: Resources for Seniors
Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family Aging Resources
Area Agency on Aging, Region 1
National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization: CaringInfo
Funeral Consumers Alliance of Arizona
Essential end-of-life forms & guides
Arizona Attorney General: Life Care Planning
Compassion & Choices: Advance Planning Guide & Toolkit
Arizona End-of-Life Care Partnership: Glossary of End-of-Life Terms
A Beginner’s Guide to the End: Practical Advice for Living Life and Facing Death, by BJ Miller, MD, and Shoshana Berger
Organ & body donation
“Donating My Body to Science in the United States,” by TalkDeath
Health Resources & Services Administration: Sign Up to Be an Organ Donor
LGBTQIA+ support
Sage National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Arizona Department of Health Services: Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias
Suspected abuse or neglect
Arizona Attorney General: Senior Abuse
Arizona Department of Economic Security: Adult Protective Services
Arizona Department of Economic Security: Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Voluntary Stopping of Eating & Drinking (VSED)
Medical Aid in Dying (MAID)
Settling estates
Arizona Judicial Branch: Probate Law
Arizona Department of Health Services Office of Vital Records: Death Certificates